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Powiat Wodzisławski Powiat Wodzisławski Economic Outline of Wodzisław District - Powiat Wodzisławski

Economic Outline of Wodzisław District


Due to social and economic changes, which began in 1989, the administrative district of Wodzisław is undergoing various distinct transformations, that mainly apply to the economy. Two of  four coal mines has been shut down, whereas the coal mine “Anna” in Pszów and “Rydułtowy” in Rydułtowy  have been merged and all coal mines had to reduce the number of employees („Anna” in 2012 has been shut down too).

The coal mine “Marcel” in Radlin, which is located within the Wodzisław District, is still fully operational. It must be stated that, despite these statistics, the coal industry has undergone a process of restructuring. At present, the use of modern systems in coal mines ensure, amongst other things,  protection of the environment. This includes the cultivation of slag heaps, as well as the protection of surface water, the former being a main concern over the past several years. Using the most up-to-date methods in the field of cultivation, there is a possibility that these slag heaps will become an integral element of landscape of many Silesian towns and they will be used for recreational and relaxation purposes.

Another economic sector that has grown substantially is that of the small to mid-sized businesses. In 2004, there were over 9,400 private businesses within the  Wodzisław District, and about 8,000 of these were sole proprietorships. Within the Wodzisław District there are several organizations that cater to the needs of entrepreneurs in the area, such as: The Guild of Craftsmen and Other Entrepreneurs (which is the largest organization of entrepreneurs in the region), The Forum of Firms in Radlin, as well as The Chamber of Commerce in Wodzisław Śląski.

Wodzisław District also has several attractive properties for capital expenditure. Details regarding these properties can be obtained at various city and municipality councils within the district. You can find more information about investment areas in our district HERE.

In the beginning of 2017 some parts of investment areas in Wodzisław Śląski town (2 locations; the total area: 22,8 ha of greenfield- more about it HERE)and Godów municipality (location Skrzyszów; the total area 13,27 ha of brownfield – more about it HERE) became a part of Katowice Special Economic Zone. Earlier another 9,4 ha in Gołkowice (Godów municipality) became a part of KSEZ too.

You can find more information about Katowice Special Economic Zone HERE.